Legal notices
The website you are consulting is owned by ICTA PM and hosted on its own servers.
Editor: ICTA PM
Joint Stock Company with a capital of 500 000 €
Corporate headquarters : 11, rue du Bocage – 21121 FONTAINE-LES-DIJON
Phone : +33 (0) 380 534 000
Fax : +33 (0) 380 571 022
SIRET : 448 155 614 000 10
RCS of DIJON N° 448 155 614
2. website development and hosting
39 Rue Verrerie
21000 DIJON
Webdesign :
The entire website, the presentation and each of the elements, including logos, graphics, photographs, plans, videos, sounds, etc… appearing on the website are protected by current French and international laws relating to intellectual property, and are the exclusive property of ICTA PM.
No license or any right other than that of consulting the “website” is granted to any person with regard to intellectual property rights. The reproduction of the documents on the website is authorized for the exclusive purposes of information for personal and private use. Any reproduction or use of copies made of other purposes is expressly prohibited.
Use of documents: any information, image, video, advertising campaign… are protected as indicated above. These achievements are subject to rights of third parties (i.e. photographers, models, illustrators, directors…) which are the subject of assignements of rights that have been negotiated over-the-counter. As such, all rights of reproduction, representation and public communication, including downloadable documents representing achievements (posters, press, films…) are reserved in the specific context. No commercial exploitation is permitted and the clauses of this paragraph shall apply. Failure to comply with these clauses and their prohibitions consitutes an infringement which could result in the civil or criminal liability of the infringer.
ICTA PM has endeavored to ensure the accuracy of all the information provided on its website. Despite the care taken in the choice of the information placed on this site, it is possible that it contains errors, inaccuracies or omissions. Under no circumstances can ICTA PM be liable for any ad hoc errors that may occur on the site. On the other hand, the information provided on this site may be modified and updated without notice.
ICTA PM shall not be held liable for any direct or indirect material or immaterial damage, whatever the causes (including those which may be caused by the possible spread of viruses or by the computer fraud) or consequences resulting from the consultation of this site, its use, information and the use of information it containes or the impossibility of accessing it, with the exception of direct consequential damages of ICTA PM gross negiigence or willful misconduct.
Moreover, the hypertext links placed on this website in order to supplement the information cannot engage the responsibility of ICTA PM because of their content ; Nor the content of the external sites designating the site by a hypertext link, no control being exercisable by ICTAPM on these totally independent sites. Any user of the site and the hypertext links must protect themselves from the viruses that could be inoculated during the visit of this site of the sites accessible from this site by hpertext links. ICTA PM does not warrant that the server hosting the site is virus-free or that there may be a technical problem that could damage the user’s computer components or the data that may be stored therein. In any event, ICTA PM or one of its subcontractors can not be held liable for any damage that may occur during the connection to the site.
You can contact us by clicking here for any comment or question regarding the present notice.
In order to answer to your information request through the “contact us” page of the site, ICTA PM can be led to use your private information (for example, your name and address). As part of respect of private life and of private information, these information are strictly limited to ICTA PM use. They will never be forwarded to a third party. In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2016-679 of April 27, 2016 and the amended French act 78-17 of January 6, 1978, you can exercise your rights of access, rectification, restriction of processing, data portability, objection to processing and erasure of your personal data by using the page “contact us” of the site or by contacting our DPO at the following address:
Pay gap indicator: 39/40 – Individual pay rise gap indicator: 35/35 – Return from maternity leave indicator: 15/15 – High wages indicator: 5/10