Medical Devices at the core of our business
Christophe CLEMENT, our DM expert, will co-host the “Rendez-vous Evaluation Clinique du Dispositif Médical” organised by the AFCROs (French Association of CROs) in collaboration with ISIFC, on November 23, 2023 at the Maison de la Mécanique in Paris.
The programme will cover the following topics:
- News on MDs – IVDMDs studies, decentralized trials, connected MDs, including a question-and-answer session with a representative from CNRIPH;
- Feedback on e-consent implementation
- Regulatory news and upcoming developments, MDR and DMDIV ;
- MDR, PMCF and Notified Bodies…
- News from HAS (French Health Authority) on digital MDs;
- Round table: Post-market clinical follow-up requirements
- Round Table: How to contract with investigator sites
For more information on the programme, you may visit the following link:
It is still time to register: